İngilizce Hikayeler ve Türkçeleri

My Son John- Oğlum John

There was a little boy called John. He was very playful.
He played hard at the playground and was exhausted when he got home.
His father told him to get undressed and ready for a bath. The little
boy nodded and went straight to his room.

John diye küçük bir oğlan vardı. O çok şakacıydı.
Dışarıda çok oyun oynar ve eve gittiğinde tükenmiş olurdu.
Babası üzerindekileri çıkartıp banyo için hazırlanmasını söylerdi.
O başını sallayarak onaylar ve doğru odasına giderdi.
His father was waiting for John at the bathroom but he never came.
His father went to John’s room. He saw that John was already asleep
in his bed fully clothed. And one shoe was off but one shoe was still
on his right foot.

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